The Hindraf Chairman, Waytha Moorthy realeased a brief Press Statement on the 23rd August 2008. In it he dropped a bombshell that one of the five ISA Detainees, Vasanthakumar is a SPECIAL BRANCH PLANT!
Waytha Moorthy went on to explain that “It came to my attention in January 2008 that Vasanthakumar has been planted by the Police Special Branch to infiltrate HINDRAF and upon further investigations the fact became apparent.”
A police special branch plant? He knew it before the General Election and kept quiet about it? Why didn’t he blow the whistle then and further damage BN’s chances?
Come on, not only is this far fetched but it is such a damning accusation against Vasanthakumar. I do not know Vasanthakumar personally nor his background. However I know that this accusation must deeply hurt Vasanthakumar’s family members. To have a son, husband or father detained without trial is bad enough without having one of his fellow comrades call him a turncoat.
Not only were the five detainees denied the right to be heard in court, now one of them is being accused by their chairman of being a government spy without having the opportunity to defend himself.
Regardless of the veracity of these allegations, Vasanthakumar had been condemned to a fate worse then his ISA detention.
Despite his sacrifices, Vasanthakumar will never be able to walk tall in the community as there will always be a lingering doubt about his genuineness. It is almost impossible to disprove such an allegation.
Waytha Moorthi also accused V.K.Regu the ex-Pro tem Secretary and Ramachandran Meyappan alias Ramaji, the Spiritual Advisor of HINDRAF of colluding with Vasanthakumar to “take over the leadership of HINDRAF.”
Now this raises questions about the transparency and the judgment of those that lead HINDRAF. Ramaji is the “Spiritual Advisor” of HINDRAF. If your spiritual advisor is not in sync with your cause, one wonders who is?
How did you go about choosing your spiritual advisor in the first place? Isn’t he supposed to be your organization’s internal compass? Either you chose a faulty compass or your ship is sailing in the wrong direction. Either way you got it wrong!
Waytha Moorthi went on to apologize for concealing these crucial facts all these while. According to him, he did this “solely to protect the unity and integrity of HINDRAF and to avoid the breakup of HINDRAF”.
One begins to wonder what else is Waytha Moorthi concealing from the public in order to avoid “the breakup of HINDRAF?” Perhaps he will one day admit that the people’s genuine support for HINDRAF had been hijacked by certain political personalities for their own agenda?
If it is true Vasanthakumar is an agent of Special Branch, one wonders who else in HINDRAF is an agent of God knows what agency from God knows what country?
Instead of such outlandish accusations isn’t it better for the leaders of HINDRAF to look at their internal squabbles and settle it internally?
In a way, I do understand the dilemma faced by HINDRAF’s leadership. As in any organization, when it grows bigger and becomes more powerful, internal pressure and human nature will make it more difficult to maintain a cohesive front. It is something that they must deal with. This is when the original aim and its delivery on promises will be tested. It is time to walk the talk, not a time to keep blaming others.
How long will HINDRAF keep on blaming everything that is wrong on the BN Government and MIC? Now that they have internal squabbles, there it is again, the convenient bogeyman to point the accusing finger.
Recently someone wrote in Malaysiakini that HINDRAF had been betrayed by the PR in the four new states ruled by them. The writer went on to state that nothing much had changed and PR failed to deliver on the election promises.
Actually, PR didn’t betray the Indian Community.
We were betrayed by the people that asked us to vote for the PR blindly!
PR was just being a political organization that made use of the opportunity.
Mind you, BN had its faults and that is the reason why we performed poorly on GE12. It wasn’t anyone’s doing but ours. We admit that.
Likewise, whether HINDRAF is to progress as an organization or falter will depend entirely on HINDRAF and not outside forces.
Please stop blaming everything on the Government, BN and MIC. Perhaps MIC’s splinter group could be up to something with HINDRAF’s splinter group. We do not know.
MIC has no time or the inclination to meddle into the affairs of others. We are busy getting our act together and reinventing ourselves in order to serve the community better.
Stop crying wolf all the time for people will stop paying attention after a while.
Murugesan Sinnandavar